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Join Date: Oct 2006
01-27-2008, 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by samurai007
Ok, here are a couple pages of various small shrines and such, from throughout Japan. Most didn't have signs in English, but the little pond in the upper right did... in case you can't read it, it says "Fountain of Youth"! Man, those Spanish explorers were way off, looking for it in Florida! 
These are great! Thanx for sending these. I also really like how in the cities/towns there is a little shrine area. I don't know if these were placed here after the town was built, but to me, it always feels like the shrines were made in ancient times, and the towns/cities were built around them. Maybe they did, and perhaps the Japanese thought it a sin to take down old structures.
That first photo, with the man on the rock, with the walking stick, it looks like that statue is in the middle of the street!
Originally Posted by samurai007
Did you see the Nara pictures I posted on the previous page? What did you think?
I must of missed those! That Buddha statue is really impressive. Such detail! I can only imagine how long it would take to make something so gigantic. Those people are very small. Not even half the size of the doorway? That's incredible!
So that Temple in Nara is a replacement for the original? If you hadn't told me that, I would have never of guessed. This structure looks just as old as any other.
Do you have any more Buddha statue photos?
Sorry if I am asking to much.
Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 01-27-2008 at 03:26 PM.