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JF Old Timer
Posts: 362
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: japan (i wish)
01-28-2008, 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by km0120 View Post
>I know it has something to do with the anime School Days.

Yes, "Nice boat." is the byword for the anime School Days.

The last episode of "Scool Days" went off the air.
The sensational murder case happened in September, 2007 that a daughter had killed her father in Kyoto, Japan.
Because the content of the episode was that characters were cruelly killed, broadcast stations concerned that viewers might find it imprudent.
They devoted the airtime of "School Days" to that of landscapes in Norway: mountains, castles, fiords.
While Japanese anime fans were very disturbed, a foreign anime fan left a message, "Nice boat." to see a screen capture uploaded.
The cool and brief message made them laugh loudly.
The phrase became popular among them soon.
Ok, that made the least sence of anything I've heard all day...

Anyway, I did a little more research, and apparntly what actualy happend was that some poster on a messageboard primarily used for posting images, posted the images that they used to replace the time slot for school days. Then somone casualy commented on the messageboard "nice boat."

It's kinda funny, but strange that so many Japanese otaku were reading a foreigne messageboard, and that one strange post could become famous.
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