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Sachiko (Offline)
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01-28-2008, 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Ok so whats your best or worst movie from around the world?
Surely this thread won't be moved to the "Japanese Movies" section

I personally have a lot of best movies. Stuff like Requiem for a Dream, Eternal Sunshine, Rocky, Terminator 2 etc.

My worst have got to be Zoolander (crappest comedy of all time) and almost any Bollywood movie lol.

ps. sorry for misspelling Japanese in the name of the thread -_-'
OMG!!! how can you not like Zoolander!!! It's hilarious!!!
really stupid but still very funny!!!

umm I love Superstar as well... kinda like a female version of napoleon dynamite cept it contains a much younger.. much blonder Will ferrell.
ah man it's hard thinking of my favourite NON-Japanese movies.

Well anyway,
My least fav movies... any of those overrated family flicks... like ones about kids finding magical creature pet things... it's just soooo lame! Even as a little kiddy i HATED those kinds of movies!!! Especially when i was like ummm three and that movie about, ummm... i think it was 2 girls who find faries in some random garden place.. meh i dont remember I turned it off after the first 20 mins. SOOOO BORING!! I HATE THAT MOVIE SOOOO MUCH!!!

*leaves to go find and burn every copy of that fairy movie*

sure has been a while...
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