01-28-2008, 10:32 PM
I agree with whoever said Boondock Saints. Great movie and hot acting.
It's funny because I think guys like it for the obvious action, girls like it
for the hotness of the guys who make the action xD Good movie nonetheless.
It's hard to have a short list... I pretty much like EVERYTHING
from Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, and Jerry Bruckheimer.
American Movies:
- Edward Scissorhands
- Fight Club
- The Illusionist
- Pulp Fiction
- Oceans Eleven (i liked the original version, but how could i resist George Clooney!)
- Sin City
- Se7en
- Ghost World
- Saw (only the first one, the rest were just... AS IF.)
- Mean Girls
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Anchorman (i can quote that entire movie lol)
- The Godfather
- Scarface (no movie collection is complete without Al Pacino.)
Asian Movies:
- Oldboy
- Dirty Carnival (my favorite Korean movie)
- 200 lbs Beauty
- He Was Cool
- My Sassy Girl (if you havent seen this yet.. please do. This is like the best of Korea. lol)
- Battle Royale
- Audition
- Ichi The Killer (and no asian movie collection is complete without at least one Takashi Miike movie)
- Nana
"hey souljah boy, can i.... YAHH TRICK YAHHH!!!!!"