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(#24 (permalink))
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Guza (Offline)
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02-04-2007, 08:42 PM

hmm....well this is kinda like the uh....fantasy land that the harjukupimp dude did, haha ill do this

Name: Guza
Age: 20
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180
Occupation: ronin/nomad
Weapon (if any): Zakabatou-a powerfull yet mysterious sword.
Further Details: meh a traveler of sorts, has no real home, quite the womanizer lol, loves free things, and is very skilled to the sword.
Apperance: well tall, lean and cut, dark brown hair and blue eyes,
City: Forked River, NJ, USA, year 2090. Half the world was killed in a nuclear war and the other half of the world is all advanced in techonolgy. Think of the Matrix "Real World" to get the idea of what I'm getting at.

ill leavethe city the same so were in the same type of boat lol
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