Thread: Women in Japan
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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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01-29-2008, 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Wow you just totally went off on another tangent. Do you ever have any idea of what the context of a thread is when you reply to it?
Noone is telling women that they should stay home. However it is because of the fact that women are going out to work more and more that Japan is in trouble. Also denying that women are not closer to their children, naturally, than fathers, is extreme ignorance.
Did you read anything anyone said before you got on your soap box and started stating achievements by women?
Once more, it doesn't look like it.
Dammit, you're infinite ignorance amazes me. I tried to be nice but then you come up on here and spew gonorrhea from your mouth. First of all I never attacked you even with your idiotic statements about women. Also, who goes off on tangents? Do you know what that word means? I digressed? The person who started this thread compared anime females to actual Japanese females and here is a comment you made:
Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Women are better with children naturally. That is why it is tradition for women to stay home you're denying this.
Now genius, you tell me who digressed. In addition, you made an uneducated statement based on what? If you can't put up legitimate peer-reviewed studies then silence is the best course of action for you. I posted womens' accomplishments... your point is? Hopefully it helped your misguided ass understand that parenting skills and accomplishments have nothing to do with gender.

Also, Japan is in trouble because women are working more? All right Sherlock you explain to me how academically or don't say anything at all. Furthermore, in all actuality what the fuck do you know about Japanese lifestyle? Don't give me a link to .com or a news website. Put up some serious peer-reviewed data or back your ass up.

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