Thread: Women in Japan
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noodle (Offline)
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01-29-2008, 07:02 AM

Actually kunitokotachi, ivi0nk3y is right... I've read at least 3 articles on the decline of the Japanese population due to all the factors he stated... And no, they are not .com articles, nor are they not backed with research!

I think the point that you should get from what he's saying is that, we being humans have a sort of obligation to have children and raise a family! Thinking that you shouldn't do that is just selfish. Imagine that if everyone said, oh, well someone else can have children. That will only lead to disaster and the extinction of the human race. If anyone disagrees with that, then I really don’t' have a clue to why it is you are alive...

And again, about the women bringing up children, it is also PROVEN (not that it was ever needed) that women/mothers are naturally better at raising a child. And coming back with something like, anyone of the parents could be a crappy parent is just not the point. There are exceptions to every rule! But, if you come back and prove me that this applies to a percentage higher than 1% then I’ll consider it a possibility!

Yes, you’re right. Women have achieved some great things, and no one is telling them not to! But what does that have to do with anything? Personally I think the fact that a woman raises a child to be a good person is the biggest achievement of all! The fact that a women can give birth is another achievement that we men should be envious of!
So stating everything that women have achieved or men have achieved is nothing compared to the two above!

One other thing. I’ve always wanted to ask this to “Girl Power” extremists like yourself and many of the people here. Why do you think it is that throughout the history of mankind, men and women had their places? Why didn’t men stay at home when the baby was born? AND, why do you believe so strongly that something natural (and normal) is so wrong? I don’t think people like you realise that, apart from the modernized countries, many women still take up the role of being mothers even with an education and a job with a great career. They take a couple of years from their careers to pursue a career that is more fulfilling than any other. I think you guys need to just sit down and think, why has it been like this for millennia’s and why do I feel the urge to suddenly drastically change everything!
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