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01-29-2008, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Eveilaje
Uhhhhh.. Sono impressionato. You got nuts but I am tired dilly dally. Subject is already closed. However, you may continue getting mad somehow thinking that I am still thinking the same, imagining me spreading such "wicked" ideas to the world. I will be doing so. Even If Tooru jumps in to help you two again ^^
yes subject closed. on to the off-topic now because I`m such a deary and I`m bored.
yo soy not impressed on the other hand. slightly disappointed I may say actually.
Originally Posted by Eveilaje
In this post, I want to talk about your quote. Not to make your little ticker go wild, I want to tell you I definitely agree first. Although I assume you have given that example just to call me "madman", I had a check on and decided that it is completely a figure of speech. You are a "genius" representing the bigot, fanatic crowd who are wanting the rock on the land and I am a "madman" so mad to be radical enough to throw the rock anywhere I want in spite of you and such like you. As a conclusion, you are squirming. However, the reason is not me. The reason itself, is nothing but the all-same minds of the majority.
uhmm sure :|
seeing that you are such a deep thinker and sought meanings completely oblivious to what was (well I thought) obvious, let me explain it to you better:
ahem... you acting like the madman in the quote was nothing more and nothing less than you making your brilliant post "Kyo is sick"<= THAT statement is the rock you threw in this thread, not you acting like "I know better because I have solid arguments based upon..." and thus you being radical and doing everything in spite of us (like you interpreted it). you`d be a huge moron and hypocrite if you`d acted that way for the sole reason to spite us.
genius is not a metaphor of my own greatness, does not represent a bigot, nor can it sustain the ego of a fanatic crowd. it actually wasn`t even a compliment for my own self. because yes I did end up "squirming" like I oh so shamelessly admitted.
Originally Posted by Eveilaje
What you need is not acting like everyone in a place Nina. You are different with your hunger of discrepancy. Ciao.
well thank you that will keep my little ball of fuzziness intact and safe and I will feel so much better about myself knowing that another person is thinking the exact same way as me. kisses :*
"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."