Originally Posted by Suki
What? =/ If I meet a "safe" guy the rest won't try to talk to me? By safe you mean, not willing to get in my pants? x) ...
Ha ha ha I mean, you r regarded(considered?) other boy's friend or acquainstence or someone. So other boys won't come to you...
Originally Posted by Suki
Bambino --> baby (boy)
Bambina --> baby (girl)
Ragazza --> girl
Ragazzo --> boy
Is that correct?...
Yes!! brava!
Originally Posted by Suki
Oh damn, it's getting complicated now... Let's see: Sto mangiando una pizza, (lui) sta bevendo vino rosso, (noi) stiamo ballando un tango lol...
Originally Posted by Suki
Umm I can't tell >.<' But I go by Suki all the same  ...
Ok. If you r not "Fatima", I'm fine. lol
But in japanese "suki" means "like"
watashi ha ocha ga suki desu.
(I like tea.)
Also other meanings but the popular one is above.
R u this suki?
Originally Posted by Suki
Oi I got homework!!  Hahahahahahaah aight, but I just made three sentences with the verb stare, want three more? As you wish Ms. Gattaccia,
- Sto giocando ' cards' con ' my' ragazzo-friend xDDDDDDD!
- Stanno cantando una canzone
- Tu stai facciando ' me' arrabbiato
lol I tried my best...
Hahaha you called me Ms gataccia!!

Anyway, see, for you Italian is this familiar!! your homework is good!
Sto giocando le carte col mio amico.(I'm playing the card with my friend.)
Mi stai facendo arrabiare.( You r getting my nerves.)
For the gymnastic for my old spanish. write me down also in Spanish, mmm
But we r in japanforum. I better tell something also in Japanese?
How is Barcelona today? Florence is a lil cloudy and lil chilly. I ate turkish cous cous for today's lunch... yummy...
Ciao ciao.