Originally Posted by Eveilaje
Uhhhhh.. Sono impressionato. You got nuts but I am tired dilly dally. Subject is already closed. However, you may continue getting mad somehow thinking that I am still thinking the same, imagining me spreading such "wicked" ideas to the world. I will be doing so. Even If Tooru jumps in to help you two again ^^
Ya Know what.....Fuuuuuuuck yooooooou. Don't bring me into this because you're judging someone you have never met and some fans are saying you have no right to say that. And even if you did meet him you'd still need a PhD make any diagnosis. So, Blahhhhhhhhh on you.
And to put an end to this, KyoKyo's doodles, Anyone know what they say?

(Eveilaje that finger is for you. xP)