Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
Dammit, you're infinite ignorance amazes me. I tried to be nice but then you come up on here and spew gonorrhea from your mouth. First of all I never attacked you even with your idiotic statements about women. Also, who goes off on tangents? Do you know what that word means? I digressed? The person who started this thread compared anime females to actual Japanese females and here is a comment you made:
lol UMAD?
Firstly, I stated said that comment in reply to someone else saying something about the raising of children. That has nothing to do with digressing, it was a reply to their statement.
Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
Now genius, you tell me who digressed. In addition, you made an uneducated statement based on what? If you can't put up legitimate peer-reviewed studies then silence is the best course of action for you. I posted womens' accomplishments... your point is? Hopefully it helped your misguided ass understand that parenting skills and accomplishments have nothing to do with gender.
Lets see, we need peer-reviewed STUDIES to see whats in front of us these days. How ENLIGHTENED of you. Omg, you are just too much. Telling me to silence because I didn't do a study and dismissing my claim? Wow you're such a professional kiddo ;o What would the world do without your oh-so-moral ethical righteousness!
Women aren't better suited to raising kids? Seriously, have you done a peer reviewed study to find out how kids without BOTH parents turn out? My point was valid because NATURALLY a MOTHER in NATURE brings up her offspring and instills a lot of positive qualities that are not instilled by the FATHER. If you deny this, then you are the most short sighted pseudo scientist i've ever come across.
As for your total nonsensical posting of womens accomplishments, what was it in reply of? Did anyone in this thread say anything negative about women?
No.. I don't see anything of the sort.
Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
Also, Japan is in trouble because women are working more? All right Sherlock you explain to me how academically or don't say anything at all. Furthermore, in all actuality what the fuck do you know about Japanese lifestyle? Don't give me a link to .com or a news website. Put up some serious peer-reviewed data or back your ass up.
Oy Vey.
People like you think you are so professional and hide behind "studies" and "peer reviews" while the truth looms in front of them.
What do YOU know about women or men if you're one or the other? Are you a woman or a man? Why are you typing up womens accomplishments? Why are you pathetically arguing with me that a FATHER is more naturally inclined to raise offspring? Are YOU a father who has been in the same situation? Have YOU got DATA to back YOUR ass up? Have you seen a mass CASE of MALES raising their children FULL TIME?
Also what has a natural process of all HUMANITY just got to do with JAPAN?! It is WELL KNOWN that Japan has a population crisis. Do I really need to make a freaking professional citation on a forum just so YOU can understand?!
Just wow. Your short sightedness makes me sad.
Originally Posted by Amnell
Ah... Well, the thing you need to remember about debating with anyone who is devout (and I mean devout) in Christianity, Judaism, or Islam is that they're all taught that the man is the head of the household. In many cases (I'd say 'most', but I can't back that), people of these faiths take that to the next level: women are supposed to be subservient to men. Since ivi0nk3y is in fact a muslim, you should expect that his views on gender roles are a little more conservative. Even with me, being raised in an obscure sect of Christianity, expect some gender bias (though I've been trying to retrain myself XP ) .
Excuse me but I am not even basing my views on Religion. Thank you for acting as a mediator but I will not take bullshit lying down. I have argued with this guy/girl before and he/she has gone off on a tangent that has nothing to do with what the real issues are about. I believe the thread was something about why cars are a "guy" thing.
This "person" took what I said totally out of context and made claims about me being sexist when I had said NOTHING sexist at all. I replied back and did not get a response about my so called sexism.
People like this do nothing but make an argument worse by taking away from whatever issue is being discussed.
ps. Thank you Noodle for also speaking on my behalf. As usual your posts make plenty of sense to me lol.
Anyway, It is not a 19th Century view that women stay home and raise kids.
In fact as I recall the vote was given to women just the previous century, in the West.. lol. Nevermind going out to look for jobs?
I already stated that Women can do what they want soooo manyyyy timessss.
If however, Japan has a population crisis, then there IS a problem. I stated that this model of Japan can be seen as something to stay clear of.
Who do we blame for whats gone wrong though?
Do we uphold a false sense of political correctness ahead of THE crisis?
It annoys me when people don't take the key points out of someones post and digress to something that doesn't even matter.