*Picking up from where I left off - both Suzette & Swiftant had a physical misundersanding, which resulted in Swiftant fainting, right after he confessed his love to Suzette ^__^*
By SuicideSuicide aka Suzette:
I tried my hardest to stay standing but the pain in my thigh made me fall down next to Swift. Had he really meant what he just said? I didn’t expect the guy that had just tried to kill me a few seconds ago to love me. His motionless body rests on the ground next to me. I was still trying to figure out all that had just happened when it dawns on me that Swift might die. I pulled my body up on the wall of the cave and tried to walk towards the opening of the cave to try to get help but the excruciating pain made my crawl towards the opening. I knew no one would be in the town below us, but I had to try and get help. I looked back at Swift one more time. His face was growing paler and paler by the second. The puddle of blood that surrounded his body grew.
“Swift, I love you too. Hold on ok?” I whispered to him, like he could actually here me. But after saying that, I somehow found the strength inside of me to get up and walk to the town nearby. I ran into a house and I found some bandages and other things to help Swift get better. I opened a cabinet and found a weird bottle that said “For bad injuries. Dangerous if not for bad injuries.” Well, it’s either this or nothing I thought to myself as I grabbed the bottle and hobbled back to the lair.
"Anger, coldness, cunning, evil, revenge, and self-reproach...", a ringing voice of alternating sources as each word is pronounced directs itself to me.
"Who... What are you?", I cautiously ask.
Thinking: My companion isn't normal. He lacks any readings of existence. I can't sense a vestige of life from him at all. With the magnitude of darkness disabling my sense of sight, I can only inquire the cause of my confusion.
"What am I? Hu hu hu... I think the more pressing matter at hand is who you are...", the anonymous sound closes in.
"I'm-", I pause, my mouth opened, in surprise at a failed attempt to name my identity.
"Are you now?", the voice sniggers, "Your origins, your way of life, your purpose... Do you not possess any of them?"
There is a moment of silence, as I muster the best of my arrogance and tenacity.
"Too bad, I guess... I don't need any of that which you speak of.", I answer it.
"A bold suggestion... But no one can live without anything..", the voice begins.
"Suggestion? Hmph, I'm not just anyone.", I cut in, "My will to survive all odds bears witness against your criterion."
"Hu hu hu... Well-said... Let I, Yogensha, put your words to the test, then!"
As the entity speaks, the space in my vicinity distorts. The darkness whirls and gradually sets a formation of six mirrors, before sliding away to the sides, leaving the lifesize mirrors to surround me.
"Anger, coldness, cunning, evil, revenge, and self-reproach...", Yogensha iterates.
An amazing sight greets me: Each structure is concealed with an element: The first is in flames, the second frozen in a block of ice, the third oozing with poison, the forth retains black as its original color, the fifth is in the shape of a gravestone, and the last one is covered in bloodstains.
"Fiery; Frost; Venom; Shadow; Vengeance; Kamikaze, reveal yourselves!", Yogensha cries in his reverberating voice.
**Yeah, I'm back! XD~! Geez, I didn't realize how difficult it was to adjust my mentality for writing again >_< Kanji, SS, and all the others, my apologies! =D I'll continue later in response to your other posts, when I'm not so exhausted.
Edit: The scene above takes place in my unconsciousness, by the way.**