02-05-2007, 12:28 AM
I just wrote this one yesterday...enjoy!
"Melody" written 2/3/07
Can you hear the melody
It's from the distant past
A single tune so beautiful
You hope that it will last
A song that sings to you
Deep inside your heart
Sweet memories return to you
Whenever this song starts
Flowing like the wind
Drifting like the sea
Its simple notes and elegance
Gracefully set your soul free
Quietly it plays to you
Captivating your very essence
Deep sounds and soft tones
Reveal feelings of quintessence
The sincere tune wanders in
Listen to the alluring melody
It begins in simple notes
And progresses into harmony
Images of a white full moon
Over a cascading waterfall
Inside a luch green forest
The source of the beckoning call
A distant past remembered
Portraying memories unfulfilled
Such mysterious feelings return
And your pain is slowly stilled
Can you hear the melody
Playing softly in the past
One true harmony so blithe
Listen closely--it won't last
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....