Looking for Doujinshi Circle in Chiba/Tokyo area -
02-01-2008, 01:16 AM
Hey guys, I know I'm but a lowly n00b here at JF but.
I live in Chiba-shi, Soga-cho area, (Although I'll be moving soon depending on work)
So two things I guess...
Anyone got a job I can do ^_^;
And is anyone a part of, want to make, know of any Doujinshi Circles in the Tokyo/Chiba area? I really want to join a Circle this year but my Japanese isn't good enough that I can just go up to a table at komiket and say "Can I join your circle"
(watashi wa anata no circle dekimasuka?? I dunno, wait no... I think I just said Can I do your circle... ewww pervy)
I gotta study study study more.
Ganbaru! *fist clench of detemination!*
But anyway, yes, doujin work anyone?
I have great faith in fools -- self confidence my friends call it. -- Edgar Allan Poe