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(#367 (permalink))
KyubiKen (Offline)
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Posts: 6
Join Date: Feb 2008
02-01-2008, 01:35 PM

Can I ask you guys some thing is baing a maker of fan fic Zanpakutos seem a bit weird. I dont know which character i'd be but i know it's not Kurosaki Ichigo. yeah he's strong and all but what a dunce.

I would much rather be like Kuchiki Byakuya, not that i care for his zanpakuto much. but battojutsu is pretty much a favorite. I dont like to waste my time with people who just miss the point. Rules are there to be followed. One strike is usually all you need on your opponent if you read them well. and facing off against loud mouths aint my style either. I'd just wait for kenpachi to blow a fuse at just so I can remind him of a captains duties.
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