I love Newtype USA for news and reviews. I also read the Anime Insider. I wish Animerica was still for sale. It was great. Of course you can still get a small little booklet put out by them for free everymonth, but the magazine was much better.
Now as far as Shojo and Shonen beat goes, It's hard for me to choose. I love titles in both. I guess I'd have to say Shojo because I love their articles and how-tos as well.
It's really sad. I buy all of these each month. At least I did, before some super nice person on my holiday wishes list over on insane journal purchased a subscription for me. I still don't know who did it.
Awww...I wish I could get BeBoyMagazine. *pouts* Wish they'd translate it to english and ship it over here. My friends and I would be in heaven.
Originally Posted by MMM
You know that February is the FINAL issue of NewType USA...I hope.
LOL Oh! You mean thing! *pokes teasingly* I'll have you know I rushed to their website in a panic. I didn't even get to the "I hope" to begin with.
Now, seriously, what do you have against NewType USA?