Thread: Ancafe
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xYinniex (Offline)
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02-02-2008, 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Shinigamisaku View Post
i know!bou is still my fave^^
i dont care if im rude but i'll post it again to get it through your narrow minded heads.

I can't believe how freakin' shallow you are.
I mean, because he doesn't fit into the bad because of his hair.
what the frick is wrong with you?
Have you even HEARD his freaking keyboard parts.
I bet you only liked an cafe because of their looks
Well, you know what, Time moves on, change happens. Music changes,And if you even PROPERLY heard Yuuki's keyboard parts, you would know how amazing his musical talent is. I'm personally a [learning] pianist and been leanring for 6 years, the guy is AMAZING. period.

So he looks fake does he? Well the everything on the set was fake, like that massive star? yeah, thats fake too. It's a music video, and ancafe are imaginative, it's not supposed to look real. Do you think guys run around in bunny suits normally?

Learn to appreciate MUSIC, in the music boards.

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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