I loovvve KKJ too!!
I love the manga even more!! I own the anime on VHS fansubs from back in 1999/2000.
You can try ordering it from YesAsia.com - the entire dvd box set IS available - but for $450.
YesAsia.com: Kamikaze kaito Jeanne DVD Box (Japan Version) DVD - Kuwashima Houko - Japanese Videos - Free International Shipping
Play-Asia has it for $455.90
Kamikaze kaito Jeanne DVD Box - Order Now!
I'll ask around to some friends - they might know where else you can buy it. Have you tried ebay? I know some people used to sell them on CDs to play on your computer.
- Nishi
Member of JapanForum Royal Clan of Gods & Goddesses~~
Webmistress of UsagiandMamoru.com, MiakaandTamahome.com, MaxLovely.com, PrincessIshtar.com, ArwenandAragorn.com