02-02-2008, 04:39 PM
** O_O Aoshi's first post here just like, pwned everyone else's X__X**
**Kanji's latest post is in a neck to neck race with his =P**
Despite of our still intangible distance, I raise fair attention on the alarmingly enclosing eclipse, my array of pugnacious instruments a hair's width from my wield. Focusing on its travel towards us, Suzette and I hold our ground, allowing the sunlight beyond to assist our queries, by molding its details symmetrically - a dragon with a viciously scaled hide as black as night, and indiscriminately riding on it, a shrewd-faced man of slim built, decked in an outfit no brighter than the dragon.
Intriguingly enough, the smaller of the two triggers the impact of a first impression, etching an establishment of vague but familiar vibes emanating from him.
"Suzie, is it me, or has he came here before?", I ask out of curiosity.
"He seems... recognizable...", she murmurs uncertainly.
Thunderously, the black dragon plummets its powerful claws into the earth; its intimidating shadow looming over us, in an inescapable sanctum of loss. The man slides gracefully off it and strolls in our direction, his movements casual, ironically agile. Something dangling by the newcomer's waist credits him careful emphasis... - my sakkat! No mere human strength would have sufficed where and when it could have been retrieved.
"Swift... There's no way...", Suzette whispers, her tone appalled.
"Who cares, I'll just have to get it back.", I assure her.
"Swiftant! I need a word with you!", calls out the stranger.
I dive at him with fierce velocity, my red eyes burning ferociously at the area his body and my sakkat contact.
"First, that's mine!"
**I sooo need to get back into practice XD.**
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Last edited by CoolNard : 02-02-2008 at 04:48 PM.