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KAZUHIDE: ~ "An Unexpected Encounter" -
02-02-2008, 05:58 PM
**Hehe Nard-kun, we both made the same face when we saw Shino-san's incredible post. I thought you said Swiftant wasn't going to fight Kazu? Oh well, I guess I have no choice but to oblige him! XD**
I had approached Swiftant and Suzette quietly and calmly. But my sudden appearance in front of the two did not bear a warm greeting.
The moment I spoke out, Swiftant had dashed at me at a great speed. His eyes shot a crimson stare into my own. As he moved closer and closer, cutting the distance between us, like a coming comet into a celestial object, his feet made like sound as they feel upon the earth. He dashed at my waist, in what appeared to be a malevolent attempt to reclaim his sacred item, and at the same time take his sudden aggressions out on me.
I had little time to jump back, in the seconds I had, I removed Jet from my back. Time felt it had slowed, my heartbeat elevated, I swung Jet upon Swiftant. My blade was clashed into his katar. The weapon he had in his hand now, was not there but a moment ago. He was much faster then I anticipated. A head on collision with him, would spell my defeat, I didn't want to hurt him. That was not my desires nor were they my intentions, I wanted to his ally, this reaction of his was most unexpected....
An unexpected encounter....
I could feel his strength as he forced down on my naginata, and fended off my attack with one hand. In a futile attempt to keep him at bay, I struggled to hold him off me. He wanted his sakkat, and he wasn't going to stop until he retrieved it.
With a great surge of desperation and sheer will, I was able to knock him from me for a moment. I flipped back and landed on Fayuro's head, Swiftant stumbled back for just a moment and lunged at me again, joining me on top of Fayuro.
What was this strength?! Surely he did not have that tremendous tenacity before.
"Wait! Why do you attack me?! I am not your enemy! Listen to what I have to say before you decide to do this!" I attach Jet back in holster on my shoulder blade. Quick, I pull out a twisted dagger and hold it down to Swiftant's sakkat.
"If you do not co-operate and listen! Then you can say goodbye to this treasure of yours! Just hear me out!"
Swiftant grew still. I knew he was assessing my demands in his head. I did not know what he would do now....
With trembling fingers, I looked past Swiftant for just a moment. Suzette was just standing there. A look of concern and shock had come over her.
Fayuro growled under his breath. He was waiting for my word, before he threw Swiftant from him.
I think to myself. I don't want to have to use that technique. But I will if it comes to it.
**Okay, not half as good as CoolNard's but I hope it will suffice.**
Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 02-02-2008 at 06:10 PM.