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CoolNard (Offline)
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Suzette: Friend or foe? - 02-03-2008, 11:54 AM

**I dunno, I ain't Swiftant XD He may have reformed his ways, but his personality stays true ^___^**

Thinking: Is reality maligning me? Isn't Swift renowned for being an undisputed fighter? And yet, he could only have forsaken his sakkat in a duel...

"Swift... There's no way...", I blurt out my thoughts.

"Who cares, I'll just have to get it back.", he confidently declares, his motion edging contentiously to our visitor.

"Swiftant! I need a word with you!", he announces, unaware of imminent danger.

"First, that's mine!", already unhesitatingly discarding any feasibility of reasoning, Swiftant plunges to claim his prize - be it sakkat or blood, I do not have the slightest prospect.

After a series of mind-numbing entanglements in a battle waged by Swiftant's rash nature, the stranger proves to be a decent fighter. Enlightened to the futility of snatching his sakkat, Swiftant pulls his arms backward, only to swing it forward in a vigorous crisscrossing pattern, aiming for his opponent's neck.

Upon noticing Swiftant's motives, the man stealthily bends to his rear, in a direction parallel to Swiftant's attack's, neatly avoiding his death, before attempting to launch a lowkick. I survey them with readiness to intervene, apprehensive of the future and for Swiftant.

Uninfluenced by gravity, he hoists his body to the cave wall and disappears into the upper depths of the cave ceiling. Condensed water droplets continue dripping onto the cave's inhabitants, unconcerned with current events. Swiftant's adversary has his eyes closed; probably trying to hear out more motives.

Without warning, his eyelids wind up and he abruptly jumps behind, brandishing a black naginata, with a golden dragon pattern on it, in the process. I feel a sudden gush of wind bellowing from the top... Swiftant has returned to view, in the form of a tornado! I can recognize that technique: He does it by letting himself fall onto the enemy headfirst, twisting and swirling his whole body into a rapid spin, followed by holistically thrusting his katars' blades in front of himself to smash his rival to bits.


A rain of sparks pour out of the collision of their weapons, as the whole cave reasonates with the clash.

"Not too shabby, didn't expect you to actually stop my momentum...", leers Swiftant. I watch Swiftant's menacing smile glowing from the sparks, the veins in his eyes bulging with blood. I lift my fingers to touch my lips; feeling them curl into a grin as well. It has been a while since I last saw him in serious action.

Clearly out of desperation, the stealth-suited man manages to push Swiftant back, and leaps onto his dragon's head, Swiftant at his heels.

"Wait! Why do you attack me?! I am not your enemy! Listen to what I have to say before you decide to do this!", the man attach his naginata back in the holster on his shoulder blade and shrewdly pulls out a twisted dagger, and holds it down to Swiftant's sakkat.

"If you do not co-operate and listen! Then you can say goodbye to this treasure of yours! Just hear me out!", he shouts threateningly. Swiftant pauses in midway of exhibiting another technique, of a similar magnitude to his last.

"How dare a scrawny audacity like yourself threaten Swift!", I yell.

"What makes you think I'll abide by the rules of someone who doesn't deserve it?", Swiftant says, as I get over with being a sitting duck.

"The destruction of your sakkat, along with all its sentimental value?", the man says, unable to contain his sarcasm.

"Which, in turn, may result in us destroying your dragon?", I snap, in an equally sarcastic retort.

"Hmph, I don't share an intimate bond with my armor whatsoever; they're meant to be destroyed eventually anyway. I'm just irked that it was touched by your filthy hands. Now, give it to me, Suzie here isn't a woman of words alone.", Swiftant subtly finishes, and resumes his fighting stance.

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 02-03-2008 at 02:44 PM.
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