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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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KAZUHIDE: "An Unexpected Encounter" Part 2 - 02-03-2008, 02:13 PM


After all of my attempts to end this quarrel in a positive manner, Swiftant's and Suzette's arrogance defied everything I was aiming to accomplish. Even with his sakkat on the threshold of being destroyed, he continued to advance on me with ill will. The woman was fond of forcing her way into affairs that hadn't concerned her.

Her shrewd tongue was starting to poke at the edge of my annoyance. How dare she threaten Fayuro! Slowly, I backed further down the body of my dragon friend. Swiftant stood with his katars at the ready. His crimson eyes burned madly, as he scanned me up and down. Waiting and looking for any unexpected movements.....

Then, with no notice, Fayuro starts to violently shake. As Swiftant regains balance from the jostle, I dive at him, grabbing Jet by the side of it's shaft, I knock the metal into his katars, and push him back off of Fayuro's head. He flips backwards, as he twirls into the air, his foot impacts into my jaw. A sharp pain runs up my face and digs deep into the bone... Swiftant lands upon the dirt, crouched with both hands on the ground.

Fayuro beats his wings, and takes off into flight. Swiftant, utilizing his powerful legs, jumps straight up, and grabs upon the leg of my dragon...

Suzette tries to run over quickly, and jump onto my dragon as well, but by the time she reaches our location, we are already too high into the air...

Now many hundreds of feet over the cave. I have the advantage over Swiftant....

"Now let's try this again!!" I say much more stern then my last attempts at a conversation with the DragonSin.

"Will you listen to me? Or risk your sakkat's destruction?!" With my words, Swiftant climbs up the side of Fayuro, and kneels perched above the dragon's shoulder. He is processing my words.

"Please Swiftant. Just hear me out." I place the twisted dagger back into it's hiding place, and grab the sakkat firmly with two hands, to make sure that he could not break it from my grasp.

My lips curl into a half grin. "Shakura needs to die doesn't she?" Swiftant's eyes widen a little when my words travel into his ears.

"You desire revenge on her...Do you not? I also want her death, and together, along with others, we can make that all possible."

To prove my worth to Swiftant, I carefully toss him his sakkat. He grabs it with one hand as it spun towards his head.

"I don't want to fight. I merely want to talk. Giving you your sakkat is proof of that. You could leave, now that you have regained your treasure. But if you do, then you won't hear how I came to acquire it, or my plans for the dragons."

We were very far from Suzette now. There was no way she could hear our voices, as the wind blew into the air. Night was descending on us fast.

**I am making it night, to show that everything that is going on, with Swiftant and Kazuhide, Tatsu and Nozomi, and Tenshoujin, and are happening at the same time.**

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 02-03-2008 at 08:10 PM.
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