Ikaga desu ka!?
Posts: 585
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: My own Private Island ^^.
02-03-2008, 03:53 PM
WTF!!! I can't believe this thread is still in play Hahahahaha I thought it was deleted and whats more shocking is Tenchu is back . I wonder did hell freeze over alredy hahaha just playing don't get your panies in a knot.
Tenchu even though I am a soldier I get paid to go around and learn different martial arts then to bring back here to which ever base I am stationed at. Even if I wasn't a soldier I would still be doing the same thing no one is really a top dog in this area. Sometimes people are just to ignorant to see that its not based on how big your balls are you just learn what you like doing. I don't really think any kind of martial arts can cancell another out a person can beat a weaker person thats given. Most people just take up martial arts as a hobby something to do in there spare time, I don't think they really use it the way we do <_<'.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.