Originally Posted by Kibanatra
So I learned. But I'm really lazy, especially now since I'm sick, so I'll learn. . .eventually? Hahaha.
Omg I saw that. I hate that episode, it's so sad when she's begging Rem to kill her. D:
LE SQUEE!~ Ed's my favorite character. I almost fainted when I met Vic Mignogna at Ani-Magic last year, it was so awesome.
Woot me too. It's like, my pathetic addiction. ']
XD What a sweet brother!
Im sick too. I hate colds. I want to be a Manga-Ka when Im older.
Yesh my least faveorite episode is when L dies I HATE EET! But Rem is still awsome.
I love Ed he is short like me and goes nuts when people call him short ^_^
Yeah. Im addicted. ^_^ Its where I listen to most of my music.
Yeah he is a real charmer. =__=
Spoiled brat... I mean, Sweet brother *pat pat PAT* ^^;