Originally Posted by gattaccia
You wrote: Le piaciuto vino rosso.
This should be "Le è piaciuto il vino rosso. " means She liked the red wine.
Did you get me?
So is 'the' strictly necessary? Are nouns always preceded by an article?
Originally Posted by gattaccia
Ha ha ha I mean, you r regarded(considered?) other boy's friend or acquainstence or someone. So other boys won't come to you...
Oh okay. But I don't think 10 days will be enough to grow a friendship with anyone I meet over there x) I'll try my best ^^
[I'm flying to Rome on March 15th!!]

/ and to Florence sometime in May >.<
Originally Posted by gattaccia
Ok. If you r not "Fatima", I'm fine. lol
lol No, it isn't
Originally Posted by gattaccia
But in japanese "suki" means "like"
watashi ha ocha ga suki desu.
(I like tea.)
Also other meanings but the popular one is above.
R u this suki?
Yup I knew that and no, I'm not the verbal suki type xDDDDD But Suki is also used as a name, right?
Originally Posted by gattaccia
Sto giocando le carte col mio amico.(I'm playing the card with my friend
See if I can get this right once and for all:
Sto giocando calcio col mio amico
Originally Posted by gattaccia
For the gymnastic for my old spanish. write me down also in Spanish
Haha sure! Umm not sure what to say, what level did you get up to? Okay, I'll just write something random:
Hace tres dias que tengo un virus en el ordenador pero el anti-virus sigue sin detectarlo x)
Originally Posted by gattaccia
But we r in japanforum. I better tell something also in Japanese?
Please! So, shall we get a little romantic? Just in case I ever come across a hot Japanese guy, which is likely to happen at some stage of my life; how do you say:
I gotta have you right now?

Hahahahaha Okay, I said romantic, how about
I could drown in your eyes forever and that still wouldn't be long enough? lol In a non-formal way?
Originally Posted by gattaccia
How is Barcelona today?
Mmmh quite cold, it rained like hell last night. I love falling asleep to the sound of rain though