Originally Posted by BancheexBeauty
I'm not a vegetarian at all, but that doesn't mean I hoard on meat.
I also don't have a problem with people being vegan/vegetarians, but some of my vegan friends seem to have a problem with me when I eat a ham sandwhich.
Person: You know you're eating a dead pig?
Me: Yes, and I have known for awhile.
So I don't like it when they push that on me, nor do I like it when people try to shove bacon in my vegan friends face *it's part of her religion*
Yeah, my friends who turned veggie when we were about 14 , They did that ALL the time. They;ve got over it now, they're okay with me eating meat because They cant be bothered to say it again after 4 years.
Also, you just cannot say that about food to a FOOD lover. i go out and try new cuisines, veggie or not. Im a really open person, so i would eat a veggie dish if you put it in front of me, but i would also eat a meat dish too.
Not all 'meat-eaters' loathe veggies.