Originally Posted by Suki
Oh okay. But I don't think 10 days will be enough to grow a friendship with anyone I meet over there x) I'll try my best ^^
Right. R u coming by yourself? No. with friends?
Originally Posted by Suki
[I'm flying to Rome on March 15th!!]  / and to Florence sometime in May >.<
Ok. let's manage to see you! Don't worry ,I'm not a man! lol
Originally Posted by Suki
Yup I knew that and no, I'm not the verbal suki type xDDDDD But Suki is also used as a name, right?
I think it's rare for the name. Daisuke is a name for the boy. But ... A lil different. boh
Originally Posted by Suki
Haha sure! Umm not sure what to say, what level did you get up to? Okay, I'll just write something random: Hace tres dias que tengo un virus en el ordenador pero el anti-virus sigue sin detectarlo x)
I was quite good, but mmm I say intermediate...
OOO what a nostalgyyyyyyy... yes ... I think I understood...You said
" I've got 3 days virus in the computer, but anti virus doesnt detect it."
Did I good?
"hacer" is "have",,, isnt it? How does it change form?
And I remember "hecho"!! it is past tence? or inperfect?
Originally Posted by Suki
Please! So, shall we get a little romantic? Just in case I ever come across a hot Japanese guy, which is likely to happen at some stage of my life.
HAHAHAHA r u sure? Is it likey to happen to you? wonderful! You have to choose well!
Originally Posted by Suki
how do you say: I gotta have you right now?  Hahahahaha Okay, I said romantic, how about : I could drown in your eyes forever and that still wouldn't be long enough? lol In a non-formal way?
You know,,, Japanese culture isn't talkative, rather silence. Because the silence is rigarded as the virtue. And I think there r not many romantic vocabulary. But let's see...
"I could drown in your eyes." = " Anata no hitomi ni oboreruwa."
Anata = you
no = of
hitomi= eye but more romantic word than usual "eye"
ni= objective .... grrrrr I dont remember which is which, anyway one of the objective staff.
oboreru= drown
wow I think if you say this, usual japanese boys blush!
I started new thread in "Language exchange" the title is " japanese homework"
But not many people r interested... If you had time, go and have a look.
Originally Posted by Suki
Mmmh quite cold, it rained like hell last night. I love falling asleep to the sound of rain though 
Today is cloudy but warm and nice. yesterday we heard thunder ,too.
A presto.
c u soon.