Hi everyone, I found this forum by searching for places I could find travel advice, everyone here seems friendly and helpful so I hope you can help me out.
First of all I guess I'd better explain my situation; a friend and I will be travelling to Japan in about 2 months, we are both quite young (I'm 18 and he's 19) and relatively inexperienced at planning holidays, though I have taken Japanese lessons for a year so I do speak and read Japanese to an OK-ish standard. We each had £2000 (420,000 yen), about £1100 of which we've spent on flights and hotels. From reading other posts on this site I believe, with a little budgeting, that we can survive our 2 week stay on our remaining funds.
I have maaaany many questions, but to avoid writing a list of demands I'll just ask a couple for now and more later if that's okay with you guys.
Firstly, we booked our stay without realising Golden week begins the day we arrive and I've heard during this period Japan becomes incredibly busy and difficult to travel in. Will we still be able to have an enjoyable holiday despite this, or should we attempt to reschedule? (though our hotels and flights are booked already). Are there any upsides to us travelling at this time?
Thanks everyone, any and all advice is greatly appreciated. I'm honoured to become part of your community