Originally Posted by Powermad147
Ok, now Pmad is confuzzled...Did you just say HAPPY? I mean, let him die alone. Let the girls realize that they're being played for fools by a douchebag. that would work. but that ending? NOBODY'S happy! Not even those who HATED him should like it! Sure, its surprising, refreshing, but dear lord did I hate that ending!
I dunno it's like the audience isn't going to be happy unless Makoto get's whats coming to him, but if he dies then the only way sekai would be happy is if she dies too (I know she killed him, but in the long run how happy would she be with that desision? Do you think a 15 year old girl want's to rais a baby on her own? and an abortion could be stressful too), and Katsura dosent really care if he's dead or not as long as she can float around in a boat with his head...
See everybody's happy.
