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junkomi (Offline)
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Hi! I'm a native japanese - 02-07-2008, 11:59 PM

And I have ever read Death note many times.

On the original story,the line is "死神はりんごしか食べない"(shinigamiharingosikatabenai) .
I can remenber the line clearly since that's my favorite manga and just a week ago I watched the rebroadcast of it on TV. In addition, the line is very memorable.
Trust me.
The meaning of that is "death gods eat only apples"
But the literal translation of 'only death gods eat apples' is "死神だけは、りんごを食べる"(shinigamidakeharingowotaberu)
I'm verry curious who said 'only death gods eat apples'?
I guess the translater from Japanese to English is terrible.

What MMM said was almost right, but 死に神 is not used in Japan. 死神 is usual.

I wish the above would be helpful to you!

Last edited by junkomi : 02-08-2008 at 09:01 AM.
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