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Yuri (Offline)
back from outer space :D
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Location: near the sun, with the moon..kissing the shooting stars..this is where i am
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Your Lies - 02-08-2008, 01:28 AM

here is another poem i wrote today:

Your lies

Can’t you hear?
The wind is calling
Can’t you see?
My heart is longing
Why cant you
Let you fingers go crawling
Against my skin
Walking blindly down the hall
I hear sounds
Echo all around
My fingers go raw against these walls
I cry my tears when you aren’t around
Six feet under below the ground
I hear nothing not one sound
Seeking out what cant be found
My eyes sown shut with your lies
Your looks deceive me
You deceive my eyes
Deceive me still
My heart full of lies
Oh how I wish to see blue skies
To still be burdened
I should rather die
Under the moon
The sun
The sky
Maybe one day
I shall see through your lies

the real truth is often the one we dont want to hear
i am the tears that fall, you are the blood on my skin, we are mingled forever again, here we stand, hand in hand, but ill let go when my time has come, time for u to fly alone
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