Thread: Blood Type
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noodle (Offline)
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02-09-2008, 10:34 AM

Tenchu, I think when they say type O, they count both positive and negative...

Anyawy, I'm Type A+.

"People with blood type A have a deep-rooted strength that helps them stay calm in a crisis when everyone else is panicking." This is true, because a fire broke out recently in my building where I live. People were panicking and shouting etc, and I had to calm down about 4 people...

"However, they tend to avoid confrontation, and feel very uncomfortable around people."
This can be true, but I tend to move on from this stage after a while...

"A types are shy and sometimes withdrawn."
Shy, not really but some people would say that about me... Sometimes withdrawn, Definately.

"They seek harmony and are very polite, but all the same feel that they never really fit in with others." Polite and seek harmony. I think so. Never fit with others? I'd say this is true, but I tend to pretend (change my personality) to fit in with people that i don't see so often... People might think thats bad, but I prefer to do that and have no problems with people rather than be myself with people i know i won't be seeing often and just cause friction...

"A types are very responsible. If there is a job to be done, they prefer to take care of it themselves." I'd say this is true too. I have lots of respobisbilities here, and i have to help so many people. And yes, definately. In projects at uni, i always ask the prof if i can do it myself!

"These people crave success and are perfectionists. They are also very creative, and the most artistic of all the blood types, most likely because of their sensitivity." I do crave success, but i wouldn't say i'm a perfectionist, though i try. I'm told i'm creative and artistic, but i never see it. So i'm not too sure about this, but i am very sensitive.
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