Originally Posted by Kyousuke
no i dont have an English form. i cant find them so i relied on someone to hepl me but dont no if he's reliable,lol. im looking for someone who can help me fill it out since im not so good with kana or kanji. if its alright with you, can you help me fill out an extra form just in case? id much appreciate it
Well he should have told you by now if you got your position, you won't just automatically get it by filling out the form, they should tell you if you have the spot and where it is and a map and the like.
Sorry, when I said "Was looking at" I ment more of a "When I was at Komket last year I was staring at someone filling a form out" I don't know if they are avalible online, I'd assume their website
$B%3%_%C%/%^!<%1%C%H8x<0%5%$%H$X$h$&$3$=(J may have one but my japanese is crap so I can't read any kanji to figure out what's going on there.