Thread: Help o.o
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(#7 (permalink))
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anrakushi (Offline)
Posts: 351
Join Date: Dec 2007
02-10-2008, 06:42 AM

while living in Japan my friend from america had only completed some diploma or something, i don't know what americans call it. it is just a 2 year course, perhaps it was only 1 im not sure. not the 4 year or equivalent bachelor degree japan requires. he was offered a teaching job for 250,000 a month, standard rate. he was at the time and still is 20. they knew he didn't have a bachelor and they weren't worried about that, they were going to organise the visa for him.

i met a couple other people who had gone through with it and got the visa and were working. but it is much less likely this way and definitely not advised.

besides in this day and age, at least in Australia, a bachelor degree is as expected as finishing high school so for gods sake, get your education before you think about moving to Japan unless you are looking to do your bachelor in Japan. In which case you better study hard, those entrance exams at the good universities are very tough.
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