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Togii (Offline)
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02-11-2008, 11:22 PM

Actually, I've heard you can easily live in Japan for years without knowing any Japanese at all.. which is scary. (But I guess people live here in America alright speaking little/no English, so.. >.>)

There are no schools where I live that teach Japanese, so I'm teaching myself.. it's not impossible ^^
Instead of trying to find the best source for learning.. don't settle on any one source at all ^^

I checked out every "Learn Japanese"-type book from every library within an hour of my house, over time.. some of them I really liked, and some were so horrible I didn't read past the first chapter.

The website in my sig is linked there because it is my absolute favorite game/tool for learning kana and kanji.. it's super-helpful (in my opinion), so I want people to see it and try it out :3

Watching Japanese anime/television/etc helps to pick up vocabulary, and eventually grammar.. and music is also useful.

As long as you're enjoying it and switching it up, you'll continue to make progress, I think. ^^

Finding a native speaker to practice with would probably be very helpful.. but I've yet to find one.
I registered at sometimes I log on and try my hand at reading blogs written by Japanese people, and writing them comments. XD;

[LRNJ] Fight slimes, save a princess.. learn Japanese. O(≧∇≦)O

Last edited by Togii : 02-11-2008 at 11:26 PM.
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