Thread: ABC's LOST
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(#6 (permalink))
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hypekstatic (Offline)
The Zainichi
Posts: 84
Join Date: Jan 2008
02-12-2008, 04:08 AM

^ OHHH.... I know what you're talking about, I think it was
the beginning of season 4 actually. When John Locke gets shot
by Ben, he survives and gets motivated to journey on when he 'sees'
Walt. He tells everyone the person who is guiding him is WALT... "but taller."
Well I dont know if you started on SEASON4 yet... but if Locke 'sees' WALT
does that mean Walt is a ghost? Or is it hallucinations? I don't get that because
the producers say that Walt and his dad are going to come back or something
season 4... and if that is, does that mean there is a possibility that Walt is
still on the Island? Or does he just have some power to be able to communicate
with Locke? I mean I know Locke and Walt are both special but I just think it's
weird because they make Locke's portray on him like he's dead or something.

Do they ever find out WHY the babies born on the Island die?

"hey souljah boy, can i.... YAHH TRICK YAHHH!!!!!"
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