Thanks! I read it; it's very, very original.
This is a more recent one:
She's not for you yet
pretty little thing
aged thirteen
still she plays with plastic dolls
on a worn sofa
the stench of old whiskey mixed with broccoli and dust
somewhere in the promised land
of lost Dreams
she dreams
of angels with crimson lipstick
and axes behind their back
aged fourteen now
she stomps on ants
her bedroom vomits posters of rock stars
but she won't forget
to go to church every Sunday like her mom and her aunt and
Dave who slaps his wife when his only white shirt
stinks of his own sweat
and old Jenna who doesn't understand
why her kind and sweet boy grew up to become a drug zombie
(since when has he had that hollow look in his eyes?)
but yes
she won't forget to go to church
and daydream of someone's wet lips
as she sings along with the chorus chastely-
she doesn't know it yet
but don't worry
we're getting her ready for you,
Future lover
Future husband,
we will present you
with your very own
Wasted Woman copyright Millennium
to command.