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02-13-2008, 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Nobody is saying that beheadings are a daily occurrence in Japan. But there have been a number of wide-eyed kids lately talking about going to Japan alone, or how it's a perfectly safe heaven, and so on. They probably have never heard of any crimes like these in Japan, and I think a bit of these examples might help to make them realize that while Japan is relatively safe, it still has it's share of murderers, rapists, and whackos, and 15 year old kids shouldn't wander around freely like it's Disneyland. Japan is safer than many places, but not perfectly safe.
That is true, but you are forgetting a very important thing.
Kids have no way of getting to Japan. How many wide eyed kids, wandering around like they`re in Disneyland without any supervision did you encounter in Japan? Because I have yet to encounter a single one. Kids dream. I know I dreamed about some very far fetched things when I was younger... That doesn`t mean any of them actually reached the action stage. I did make it to Japan, alone, at 17 though. But I suppose that`s a bit different as I had to maturity to actually make that happen.

I agree that we need to present facts. Japan isn`t "heaven". Becoming a manga artist is freaking hard.
Still - suggesting they do more research is one thing, dragging out stories of crime and horror is another. Saying things to the effect of "You think Japan is a nice place? Well look at THIS." isn`t quite the same as telling someone that they should get a bit more information, learn more about the culture, etc.

As an afterthought - I wish her all the luck in the world. Any career choice she makes is in the future. There is plenty of time to work toward those goals, and to grow as a person. 5 years from now, if her feelings toward working in Japan haven`t changed, she may very well have acquired the skills to succeed at her dream (If that`s what it is).

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Last edited by Nyororin : 02-13-2008 at 07:42 AM.
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