Originally Posted by timelesssymphony
the Japanese are also very resistant to foreigners working in their country, Japan's economy is in the toilet with a only 0.6% increase in GDP over the recent years, with Japan not being a welfare state unemployment = very bad so with high unemployment rates they do not want Gaijin taking jobs Japanese can do. If you really really want to work in the manga/anime industry consider looking at being a translator or working with an American company because the truth is the Japanese aren't interested, doesn't matter if your the next miyozaki
where do you get your information??
Unemployment 4.1% (2006 est.)
GDP 2.8% (2006 est.)
From looking at quite a few news reports of quarter performance just now i could see quarter growth ranging from 2.3 to as much as 5.5 over various quarters in the past few years.
EDIT: just wanted to add, with Japan's ageing population, if they are wanting to maintain their economy they are going to have to rely of foreign workers to come into the country and fill the gaps of a decreasing workforce. The long term doesn't look bright for Japan unless it does indeed turn to foreign workers.