Thread: Blood Type
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Neffiline (Offline)
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02-13-2008, 02:30 PM

I'm blood type O+ (because yes, you should consider the - and + factor) and the description is somewhat, yet not true at all. Yes, I consider myself someone that's very social, I love meeting new people, having lots of friends, I can't stay alive without human contact. But I think I'm also very dependable, I'm a good listener and always there for the people I care about.

I don't think that blood types can affect your personality.

I actually think that astrology is more 'real'. Especially the Chinese astrology. I've been keeping up with it for the past few years with my mother, and the personality description is always true in every other book I read. Though of course, it all differs depending on how someone was raised, what there lifestyle is, ect, ect.
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