aishiteru bis
Posts: 1,171
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wonderland
02-13-2008, 10:18 PM
i agree!
they should split the PVs up evenly between the members.
it's only fair.
they all work equally hard on the song, so they should all have equal time in the PVs, no??
i always cry out with the music filled with memories of the four seasons....
we shared....
Shunsuke, forever in my heart <3
i own Seika, Tsukasa, Hiroki, Kenzo, Tooru, Ruka, Mofto, Ediee, Ryuto, Sou, Enik, Hiko, Death-O, Nii, Ryohei, Keita, Ryuichi half of Teruki and half of Kei
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