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(#16 (permalink))
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Daikirai (Offline)
My own heart killed me.
Posts: 15
Join Date: Feb 2008
02-14-2008, 09:17 AM

Alright then.... I just went to a market to buy myself some coffee and creme for the cake I'm going to bake for my boyfriend today... He's kind of not my boyfriend since for some reason I don't have any special feelings for him, but I let him love me because I know exactly what he's going through...he knows I don't like him back, but he appreciates how I give him a change to make me fall in love with him.
Anyways, I had never noticed that there was manga in that market (I hardly ever leave my home so they could have been there forever) so I checked out that section just for fun and there was this book with a really clear picture of man and a woman in a bed having sex. I took that book and read few sentences just to see what's it about.... And I really think that book was worse than any of what I've written, there was no actual story at all, it was just about a man with a million different women, what I got out of that book. Seriously, they put a book with a cover like that right next to a Spiderman-magazine. O_o

A distorted picture of cruelty.

Last edited by Daikirai : 02-14-2008 at 09:22 AM.
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