Thread: Why Chopsticks?
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(#96 (permalink))
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odonata (Offline)
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02-15-2008, 03:11 AM

Forks, (eating) knives and spoons have not been around forever in europe!
The French have alot to answer for in using specialised eating tools for various dishes.

I would think that Japan with its limited earth resources like metals and minerals would focus the resources it had on farming impliments and weapons and not on eating tools that could be achieved using wood.

Chopsticks are just an exstension of forefinger and thumb and are a perfect way of getting food to your mouth without using your fingers which as many ancient civilisations have found spreads illness and disease.

It would also indicate that the user has adiquate co-ordination and is not a clumsy fool. this is of great importance when weighing up your fellow diners prospects.
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