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Kaminogirl22 (Offline)
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Agree - 02-15-2008, 03:00 PM

I would like to read it, good luck with it.

My thoughts

1. in the first chapter at the beginning and almost at the end, the boys should be together having fun as though they are regular friends, that nothing is wrong with their lives, but about the end you could show a clip of one or probably more of their family lives. Then as the chapters goes on go you can get one of your characters to ask about their lives and then they all act as though that person had said something wrong... and then someone could go snoop around to see details of the other friends life, and then he could see (which every your choice) the family life of that person but then he have to keep it a secret cause he did not want to seem like a nosy person in the group and then you can run some rerun scenes in his memory.

2. The run away scene you can have them to run away for a while like four chapters and they can develop a more close relationship with each other then they have to come back and face their problems, and when they solve them well you can get one to go down tragically.

Thus my thoughts.
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