Originally Posted by fara7
I am not trying to make fun or anything but why do Japanese, Koreans and others use chopsticks? isn't it much easier to just take a spoon or fork and eat their food? I know this may sound a bit stupid but i am just curious why.
I just heard before that eating using chopsticks improves your concentration power, is that true? and are there any other benefits of using chopsticks?
They do use spoons for some foods.
Some places in eastern asia it's concidered uncivilised to eat with a fork because they think of it as if it was weapon.
Although i am used to eat with knife fork and spoon, I don't consider it difficult to use chopsticks. And i think the "chopstick food" taste better when eating with chopsticks. wood taste better than metal?
As long as you know how to place them in your hand it should be easy. I think using chopsticks is easy with a little practice.
It would be difficult to a person who never have eaten with fork or spoon to suddenly eat with that too.
And if it is more difficult to eat with chopsticks, eating with chopsticks would improve you consentration because doing something difficult force you to consentrate!