Where's the rock lobster?
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: In the love shack, baby. ;D
02-16-2008, 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by hypekstatic
Don't other countries discriminate?
I know it's about JAPAN but really whether it's a country's government
or the common people, it really doesn't matter. You can enjoy their culture
regardless. I mean let me take my own culture for example, Korea is a racist
motherfcukin country dude.... teenagers talk shit about foreigners, chinese,
japanese, left and right. Everyone is really prideful there (well except if you
go to Incheon, the urban areas are full of youth "GANJI" (street kids) and they
try to recreate a Korean ATLANTA. lol (meaning they all try to look black xD))
I have to deal with both ends of the stick cuz i know Korea is racist towards
Japan but regardless of what they think or say, I still love Japanese culture
and honestly, screw what they say. If you like Japan, you like Japan... even
if Japanese people aren't your biggest fan, who cares? You don't just stop
watching Anime just because you meet a Japanese racist right? Nor would I
stop eating burritos if I found out that Mexicans hated Koreans. Racism will
always be emiminent in life, you just have to look past it.
Ahmen to dat. >.> <.<