Originally Posted by petrifiedexuberance
Ramdragon, I'm not even going to try to quote your post. :P
However, I did see all the things you saw, and more, I simply chose to start small. Inundating someone with every little rule to a specific language can be confusing. Just think about your own time in school, and how long it may have taken you to understand even the basic rules of English grammar. I, for one, couln't figure out prepositions until 5th grade.
In short, teaching is different from editing. Having done both, I specifically chose to ignore some errors in order to reinforce some basic rules. "I am" is a pet peeve of mine, which is why I chose to mention it, it would seem that we are both grammar obsessed. :P As far as that last "lets", I saw it after I had finished. I guess it's a bad idea to be doing this sort of thing when you're exhausted. XD
I hope that made sense. 
Yeah. I have to apologize still. I tend to have all the subtlety of Godzilla in a pink tutu.