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Firebird (Offline)
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02-16-2008, 03:20 PM

Ok, i still have some questions to it.
Wouldn´t it be cheaper to just buy a used phone for some bucks and than buy a prepaid card?

Second: i dont quite understand how you managed that you friends can call you for free (or local tarif) on your phone.
Now i get this local number. The homepage from Skype says that then my friends could call me for the local price on my skype. But now we are still on my computer, so i would have to be online to take calls (wich is free when they use skype). If i understand right you forwarded you skype account to you japanese mobile phone, so that if you are not online all the calls will got to you phone. And theres my problem. When i want to forward my skype to any mobile, I will have to pay for every minute. How did u manage that? Is there a trick?
Wouldnt it be easier to just let your friends and family call you through their skype on their homecomputer? So you would be the only one paying around 30 cent per minute, but it would be free for your friends.

Thanks in advance
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