Originally Posted by TexMex
I have 11 piercings on each ear for a total of 22 holes..Don't ask me why I have so many....the more I had done, the more I wanted..I have one more hole to do on each ear and then I promised myself I would stop because that is the total number of people in my immediate family and I think 24 holes in your ears is enough!...I had a MExican tell me ....No me gusta todos tus aretes in tus orejas..I replied..y no me gusta tus aretes encima de tus cejas...I was not born to please anybody ONLY myself and if someone does not like what I look like or do to H____with them!..as for a tattoo...I was going to have a red broken heart with a red rose done on me but everytime that I went to the tattoo parlor to get it done...I found more reasons not to and I guess I passed that stage because I no longer want to get onE!
wow,thats much..o.O
like a addict xD
Tsu,well,fine... xD we talk ´bout piercings and tattoos xDD