02-16-2008, 11:50 PM
i'm getting a couple of "?" as well and my system language is Japanese.. haha. mostly it shows up correctly. very odd encoding.
it is never a good idea to rely purely on a dictionary english to japanese look up. you need to know how the words are used. if your dictionary doesn't give same sentences of it's use and some explanation then i suggest you get a new dictionary because that one is useless.
要求 should not be used in this sentence, this means demand, serious request. it has a serious meaning to it.
費用 is used for money things, is this what you are wanting to say? if doesn't cost $$
生命当惑 - is not one word but two, so you should have some sort of particle in here i would think... but then i wouldn't use any of these words.
生命 - life, existence. is this the meaning you want? I believe 一生 is the best word for this sentence.
当惑 - perplexity, embarrassment, confusion, bewilderment (i'm not sure you want this meaning) you could use the noune 恥 - shame, embarrassment or the advective 恥ずかしい or the verb 恥じらう
to be honest i don't believe your english grammar is correct either.